4 Total Companies
As part of the CP & ESG Division of Wolters Kluwer, TeamMate helps professionals in all industries at organizations around the world manage audit, compliance risks, and business issues by developing innovative software solutions to address your challenges. Harness the latest technologies, connect critical business systems, and uncover hidden risks through comprehensive analytics. Solutions inc...
At Fastrics, we specialize in empowering Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) with the resources they need to strengthen their IT audits, cybersecurity assessments, and SOX testing. Serving Fortune 1000 public companies, our tailored approach ensures you get high-quality, efficient support at reasonable rates, helping you meet deadlines, enhance oversight, and maintain compliance with confidence. Let us...
daitaGRC—a low-cost, cloud-based platform designed for CAEs ready to move beyond Excel. Our solution simplifies SOX compliance by replacing traditional Excel-based solutions with an intuitive system that facilitates audit, risk, and compliance management. With automated workflows and AI functionality, daitaGRC delivers the efficiency without the high price tag.
DataSnipper provides audit and finance teams with an intelligent automation platform that automates the process of finding, matching, and reconciling unstructured data from multiple sources to drastically boost productivity and efficiency, saving time to focus on what matters.We focus on:- Internal Auditing teams- External Auditing teams- Finance teams and Financial Control- Government teams- Tax...