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Results > Internal Audit: (12)

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Research / Report

Principal Partner

Understanding Cybersecurity: An Overview to Help Protect Your Organization
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Wolters Kluwer TeamMate The cyber-threat landscape is evolving. Data analytics can be a proactive approach to cybersecurity using data collection, aggregation, and analysis to protect the well-being of your organization.
Research / Report

Principal Partner

10 Tips to Impactful Internal Audit Committee Reporting
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Clear, relevant, and frequent communication between internal audit, the Audit Committee, and the Board is critical to driving organizational transformation, and delivering actionable information.
Research / Report

Principal Partner

A Practical Guide to Auditing Remotely
Thursday, February 15, 2024 Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Auditing remotely can be just as effective as more traditional face-to-face methods, and for some, the outcome is even better. The long-term impact of remote auditing can be substantial, particularly when we consider reducing travel costs and our carbon footprint from commuting and traveling.
On-Demand Webinar
2024 Risk Trends for Auditors
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 ACI Learning Watch this engaging session to make sure you and your team are ready for the risks most likely to impact auditors in 2024. Are you ready for the year ahead?
On-Demand Webinar
Third-Party Risks and Relationships Management
Monday, November 6, 2023 ACI Learning How many third-party vendors does your organization use? Are they secure? Discover essential practices to safeguard your business operations and reputation in this on-demand webinar.
Research / Report
Navigating a Technology Risk-Filled Horizon
Monday, October 9, 2023 The Institute of Internal Auditors This year’s survey reveals a heightened focus on managing cybersecurity threats and implementing protective measures and concerns around artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.
On-Demand Webinar
How to Write Effective Audit Reports
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 ACI Learning Effective report writing can make or break the audit process. Are you taking advantage of the most effective, yet simple tools to use? Watch this free on-demand webinar to hear industry expert perspective on best practices.
On-Demand Webinar
Detecting Fraud in the Digital Age: A Data-Driven Approach
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 ACI Learning In today's data-driven world, every action leaves a digital trace. Are your fraud-prevention methods evolving at the same pace? Watch this webinar to discover how harnessing the power of data can revolutionize your fraud prevention strategies.
White Paper
Global Perspectives & Insights
Monday, June 5, 2023 The Institute of Internal Auditors This Global Perspectives & Insights explores the growing use of data analytics in modern business and where internal audit fits in.
Research / Report
2023 North American Pulse of Internal Audit:  Benchmarks for Internal Audit Leaders
Friday, May 12, 2023 The Institute of Internal Auditors Learn how budgets and staffing levels have been trending since the pandemic and how internal audit is sharpening its focus on high-risk areas while incorporating more risk areas into its purview.
White Paper
Tone at the Top - February 2023
Thursday, May 11, 2023 The Institute of Internal Auditors Board members should be aware that even though many of the pandemic's effects may be over, the impacts of fraud may still be lurking.
Research / Report
Fortify Your Whistleblower Program. Download the New Whistleblower Report.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 The Institute of Internal Auditors Discover the key elements of a best-in-class whistleblower hotline program, especially as it pertains to fraud detection.
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