As audit committees prepare for an increased role in managing sustainability and cyber risks and regulators around the world begin to implement requirements for ESG and security disclosures, gain a better understanding of this environment in this eBook from Compliance Week. In it, you'll learn more about:
Sustainability Reporting Challenges
At a recent conference on SEC and PCAB developments, partners from top accounting firms shared their perspectives on sustainability reporting today and the impacts they're seeing for auditors and their clients. Some common pain points include data collection, especially when it involves areas of the business that aren't accustomed to doing so or third-party vendors; the lack of consistency among proposed standards; and the evolving definition of materiality beyond financial impacts.Evolving Audit Committee Responsibilities
The Center for Audit Quality's (CAQ) Audit Committee Practices Report found that boards are taking a look at their audit committee structures and practices to respond to emerging corporate reporting areas and increased risks. Read some of the highlights, such as how respondents are changing the composition of their committees, what skill sets are needed, and their key agenda focus areas.Common ESG Reporting Myths
As ESG disclosures become more prevalent, it's crucial to understand the facts and avoid greenwashing — the fraudulent exaggeration of ESG performance. In the eBook, experts from AuditBoard debunk five myths related to ESG reporting and provide guidance on ESG best practices you should consider instead.
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